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General Information

Full Name Md. Rayid Hasan Mojumder
Also Known As Rayid Mojumder, MRH Mojumder
Languages English, Bengali, Hindi, Arabic


  • 2028
    PhD in Engineering Science and Mechanics (ongoing)
    The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
    • Thesis - Flexible Electronics/Nanomaterials/Defect Modeling
    • Supervisor - Dr. Cunjiang Yu
    • Achievement - One review paper on Soft Artifical Synapse Transistor
    • Research Activity
      • Low-dimensional nanomaterials
      • Semiconductor Physics
      • Skills - Device fabrication, characterization
  • 2022
    MS in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh
    • Thesis - Power System Stability Analysis using Neural Network
    • Supervisor - Dr. Naruttam Kumar Roy
    • Achievement - Two international conferences (IEEE) proceedings, one awarded the Best Paper Award in ICEPE 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh
    • Research Activity
      • Machine Learning
      • Power System
      • Skills - Deep neural network, Python, Keras, Tensorflow
  • 2020
    BS in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh


  • 2024
    Graduate Teaching Assitant of Engineering Science and Mechanics (Jan. - May)
    The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
    • Courses - Yet to decide
    • Key Tasks
      • Preparing Class Contents, recitating class
      • Answer script evaluation, result preparating
  • 2023
    Graduate Research Assitant of Engineering Science and Mechanics (Aug. - Dec.)
    The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
    • Research - Flexible Organic Synaptic Transistor Fabrication and Characterization
    • Investigation
      • Aerosol-jel printing process of graphene devices
      • Nanomaterials for nerve signal sensing
  • 2021-Now
    Lecturer of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (on-leave)
    Daffodil International University (DIU)
    • Courses - Electrical Properties of Materials, Computer Programming
    • Labs - Programming I (C), Programming II (Python), Control Systems Lab (PLC + Matlab)
    • Activities
      • 13 April 2023 - Necessity of Renewable Energy for a Climate-Safe Future
      • 26 October 2022 - Self-growth and career development seminar 2.0
      • 21 September 2022 - Self-growth and career development seminar 1.0

Open Source Projects

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • Best Research Award 2023, DIU
    • Best Paper Award (Second Place)
  • 2020
    • Deans List Award
  • 2019
    • Deans List Award
  • 2018
    • Deans List Award
    • Second Runner-Up in Matlab Challenge Segment, Techival 2018 - National Tech Carnival

Academic/Research Interests

  • Semiconductor Materials
  • Semiconductor Devices
  • Semiconductor Packaging
  • Sustainable Energy Systems
  • Machine Learning

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Traveling, Reading, Web development